вертикальная гидропоника под ключ
Vertical hydroponic systems
We manufacture vertical hydroponic systems (vertical towers, columns), which are used for compact growing of plants at home and in greenhouses for industrial scale. Each vertical tower has holes on the sides (seats) for plants, and watering solutions circulate inside this column, enriching the roots with oxygen. We present various options for columns, which differ in: the number of seats, the distance between them, as well as the number of vertical rows on the column.
Vertical hydroponic systems for growing plants on one column come in 66, 96 and 112 pcs of seats for growing plants.
Various options for columns allow you to choose the most suitable option according to your needs and preferences. The number of plantings and their spacing determine how many plants can be grown on each tower, and the number of vertical rows per pole affects the total area occupied by the system.
You can purchase a complete vertical hydroponic system, as well as separate hydroponic posts for self-assembly.
By purchasing as a set you receive:
1. A pump that makes your watering automatic; its unique design allows you to grow a plant from seed to harvest.
2. Configured control timer.
3. Plant cups are included.
4. Starter set of fertilizers.
The equipment also providesreserve hatchesfor viewing and maintaining hydroponic systems, making it easier to access and manipulate the system. It is also important to note the presenceautomatic drainwaste solutions, which provides convenience in maintaining the correct composition and quality of the nutrient solution.
Installing vertical hydroponic systems can be a wonderful and convenient way to grow herbs, vegetables, fruits and berries indoors. We tried to make this hydroponic system very beautiful and easy to use at home, every guest in your home will be surprised by your perfectly green plants that are arranged vertically.
These columns can be installed as an independent installation, or in combination with phyto-lighting located vertically. Phytolighting is important to ensure that indoor plants have adequate light, especially if you don't have access to natural light.
By purchasing vertical hydroponics from us, you get help in germinating seeds. We will tell you how to grow a plant that is green, healthy and powerful.
table of options for hydroponic vertical columns
Column options |
Column height |
Quantity seats on a column |
Distance between seats |
Number of vertical rows on a column |
Number of seats in a vertical row |
1 |
2 m |
112 |
11 cm |
8 |
14 |
2 |
2 m |
96 |
12 cm |
8 |
12 |
3 |
2 m |
66 |
16 cm |
6 |
eleven |
количество ячеек | 112 |
quantity | 66 растений |
brand | Green Power |
as | в сборе |
equipment | 1 колонна |
Green Power
1. Яку площу займає система з 4 колон?
2. Скільки Вт споживає насосне обладнання для системи з 4 колон?
3. Чи можна систему з 4 колон підключити до інших систем з 4 колон шляхом їх під'єднання до одного потужного насоса?
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