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Working mode:
Mon-Fri 9:00-23:00;
Mon-Fri 09:00-17:00,
Sat 10:00-15:00, Sun closed
For calls from Ukraine
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ПН-ПТ 09:00—17:00,
СБ 10:00—15.00, ВС.- вх
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Whatsap, Viber, Telegram
Whatsap, Viber, Telegram
For calls from Ukraine
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Working mode:
Mon-Fri 9:00-23:00;
Mon-Fri 09:00-17:00,
Sat 10:00-15:00, Sun closed
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For calls from Ukraine
Whatsap, Viber, Telegram
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About Us

Green Power Trading House - manufacturers - we make all the goods posted on the site ourselves. Our plant invents, develops, manufactures and sells a wide range of modern products designed for all types of plants. All products are of high quality, their quality is constantly being improved. We provide guaranteed delivery worldwide. We develop a dealer network in neighboring countries and in various regions of Ukraine.

Our product quality is confirmed by international tests. Trading House Green Power is a guarantee of quality. If we have developed a product, then we thought for a long time, experimented a lot - this means that all the goods work and this is what you need.

For more than 10 years we have been a leader in the Ukrainian market. High-quality goods, comfortable prices and professional service - this is the motto of our organization. Convenient payment method and fast, guaranteed delivery allow us to meet the needs of each customer.

We invest a lot in the development of our craftsmen, and they never cease to delight us with new and improved products. We pay special attention to quality control of our products. It is very important to us that your plants receive the best and highest quality. Our devices are guaranteed for 10 years. We are responsible for every screw.

A few years ago we expanded our market and began to sell our goods to the CIS countries. In 2020, we entered the international market thanks to sites such as ebay, etsy and bonanza. Our extractors have become very popular. Residents of such countries as the USA, Britain, Canada, etc. became interested in them.

We are constantly growing and developing. Our customers help us. By shooting videos, posting their reports and reviews, they make us better, while they themselves earn.