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Купить Flora series Bloom у производителя

Купить Flora series Bloom у производителя
Flora series Bloom - during the period of active flowering, plants need phosphorus, magnesium and sulfur to a greater extent. By supplying these elements, Flora Bloom allows the plant to reach its full genetic potential during the flowering period, stimulates the development of inflorescences and increases yield. In the stage of seedlings and vegetation stimulates the development of the root system.
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Code: 86968697869886998700870187028703870487058706870787088709871087111038610387103881038910390103911039210393
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Order by phone:+38(067)52-88-669

Bloom 0 - 5 - 4

Flora Bloom 0 - 5 - 4 - flowering

Purpose:universal fertilizer
Type of:organic
Applicationse: all stages of growth and development and flowering
stimulates the development of inflorescences and increases productivity
Growing type:bioponics\aeroponics\hydroponics\soil\coconut substrate
Release form:liquid

Product advantages:

During the period of active flowering, plants need more phosphorus and potassium, magnesium and sulfur. By supplying these elements, Flora Bloom allows the plant to reach its full genetic potential during the flowering period, stimulates the development of inflorescences and increases yield.

We have improved this fertilizerAnd it turned out to be a bomb=Since we have been experimenting for a long time conducting tests on various plants and on the marijuana plant, and by analyzing we managed to select the most effective, quickly available elements that increase the size of the flower, the density and quality of the product - this will lead you to the dense thickets of your bushes=your the harvest will be several times larger The quality will be better there will be more points of growth which will lead to more inflorescences when using this fertilizer the flower itself grows on itself with curls and you will immediately notice this effect and it will become visible during the growth of plants, so to speak, on the air online broadcast you can see right away) The hairs are thick and snow-white, and flowering takes place without extra leaves, and as a result you get a dense flower

An amazing feature of the new flora bloom: they come in different sizes. seeds from the first type of Bloom, the seeds are large, and from the second type of boom from the "new Bloom", the seeds are Milky, but is there any flowering using feeding according to the Lucas table where we use only micro and bloom, then the seeds are even smaller, well, very Small

work To improve and select more effective macronutrients took several years, but the most difficult (Friends are already ashamed to admit) was to combine these elements in one bottle! it seemed simply impossible. We suffered for a long time, tried for a long time, tried and experimented, and finally it turned outthis is a miracle fertilizer

The composition on the recalculation of pure elements is the same as that of other manufacturers, so you can always compare my Bloom with them. Bloom, follow the dosage proportions the same, and NPK corresponds to 0-5-4

We decided not to remove our old bloom as it performed well on indica strains, and the new bloom is suitable for both indica and sativa varieties.

In the stage of seedlings and vegetation stimulates the development of the root system.Bloom- contributes to better root formation and improvement of plant condition. During flowering and fruiting, the drug allows the plant to maximize its genetic potential.

GHE Fertilizer Feeding Charts

Получение информации из Youtube

Composition of GHE Bloom Flora series:

Phosphorus (P2O5)…... 5.0%

Potassium (K2O)………. 4.0%

Magnesium (Mg)……….3.0%

Sulfur (SO3)……….....5.0%

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Купить Flora series Bloom у производителя reviews

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Стандарт это Для гидропонике и земли чтобы все хорошо у всех Росло его улучшили февраля 23 года (увеличили размер цветка) и на Джа форуме от тестили несколько вариантов , а новый это тот на котором растим мы его изобретали для себя там больше фосфора в два раза , с этим товаром бывает некоторые вопросы он хорошо подойдёт для грунтов кокоса аута и пользуемся новой таблицей от производителей и ещё в описании товара есть таблица различий блумов
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Добрый день.Срок хранения удобрений 3 года в закрытой упаковке и один год с плотно закрытой крышкой,не допуская попадания прямых солнечных лучей и минусовой температуры.С ув.
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Добрий день Вам.https://greenpower.in.ua/tripack-flora-series-nabor/
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