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Harvest (Ripen + CO2)

Harvest (Ripen + CO2)
Harvest (Ripen + CO2)
This drug will make your crop juicy and bulky before harvest.
Pre-order only
Code: 514451435142
The number of bonuses that you will receive when buying this product
Заказать через:
Order by phone:+38(067)52-88-669

Ripen+CO2=Fertilizer called Harvest

Applicationse: completion of flowering
to speed up the flowering process and increase yield
Type of cultivation:bioponics\aeroponics\hydroponics\soil\coconut substrate
Release form:dry powder

Nutrition at the late flowering stage.
For all growing methods: hydroponics and soil.

Product advantages:

We have developed and are producing a fertilizer called "Harvest" - this is an analogue of the Ripen liquid fertilizer with co2 gas in the form of dry powder fertilizers. When mixed with water, a violent bubbling appears, like carbonated water=this chemical reaction releases CO2 gas=Ripen or it is also called Final Part - a famous plant fertilizer that has literally become a classic among components for nutrient solutions. It has been produced since the 1980s and is so effective that its composition is patented and its quality is appreciated by gardeners around the world, and it continues to delight,You can buy and read more here. Since new developments in chemistry have appeared and science in agriculture has moved forward, this has led to the emergence of new compounds that can surprise you=a fertilizer called “Harvest”!

Harvestoperates on several levels:

- Gives the plant a signal about the completion of its life cycle, which stimulates the ripening process, accumulating all the vital forces at this stage.
- Forces the plant to strengthen the immune system and increase the content of active substances.
- Supplies the plant with the necessary elements in an easily digestible form.
- If the plant accumulates nitrates or other microelements, it helps to absorb these deposits, improving the taste of the crop.

Harvest properties:

- In open ground conditions, fertilizerHarvestallows you to quickly harvest your crops before they are spoiled by cold and wet weather.

- In closed ground conditions, fertilizerHarvesthelps you simulate the end of the cycle, accelerating the ripening of the slowest plants.
- In case of severe pathogen or insect infestation,Harvestallows you to accelerate the natural cycle and get at least some harvest, otherwise lost.
- Increases the active components contained in medicinal plants. When you grow a plant for its medicinal properties, Ripen™ will increase the concentration of these substances in the final product.

Application of fertilizer "Harvest":

Pour 10% of the required volume of water and add the required amount of fertilizer"Harvest".When the powder is dissolved with water, CO2 gas is produced. Add water to the required volume. Fertilizer consumption 3-4 grams/l. Use until the leaves turn yellow or ripen, which may take 10 to 20 days. Then useFloraCleanor harvest.

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