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Мы предлагаем широкий ассортимент продукции: Vacuum Filtration Device . Прямые поставки от производителя, гарантии качества и доставка по всей Украине

Мы предлагаем широкий ассортимент продукции: Vacuum Filtration Device . Прямые поставки от производителя, гарантии качества и доставка по всей Украине
Мы предлагаем широкий ассортимент продукции: Vacuum Filtration Device . Прямые поставки от производителя, гарантии качества и доставка по всей Украине
The device for vacuum filtration allows you to significantly speed up the filtration process. This method is based on the difference between the atmospheric pressure on the outside of the can and the artificially reduced (vacuum) pressure inside. The greater the vacuum, the faster the filtration process.
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Code: 5137
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Order by phone:+38(067)52-88-669

Step into the future of filtration withVacuum filtration deviceGreenpower. Its unique technology represents the industry's highest throughput filter. Supplied with double O-rings that stay lubricated to hold the paper firmly. In terms of aerospace quality parts, it's easy to say that this is the most advanced laboratory filtration on the market today. New filter system with the highest throughput on the market thanks to O-ring technology. This device is capable of speeds unprecedented for its size.

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Often, a conventional method is used for filtration, in which the liquid passes through the filter by gravity.

A device for vacuum filtration allows you to speed up this process several times, this method is based on the difference between the atmospheric pressure outside the can and the artificially reduced (vacuum) pressure inside. The greater the vacuum, the faster the filtration process.

As filters, you can use laboratory filters made of dezolized paper, cotton pads, padding cloth, etc. The filter element is installed in a device for vacuum filtration, the system is installed on a jar (instead of a lid), silicone hoses are put on, air is pumped out with a pump (you can use a syringe with valves), the filtration process is started.

The vacuum filtration system is installed on standard 3 liter (10 liter) cans.

The basic kit includes a filter consisting of two parts with two gaskets and a connecting clamp.

0.5 kg
Green Power
Мы предлагаем широкий ассортимент продукции: Vacuum Filtration Device . Прямые поставки от производителя, гарантии качества и доставка по всей Украине reviews

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