seed size stimulator
Стимулятор размера семечки
Type of:organic
Applicationse: vegetation
Impact:Your seeds will get bigger, thicker, heavier
Growing type:bioponics\aeroponics\hydroponics\soil\coconut substrate
Release form:liquid/powder
Seed size plays an important role in agricultural practice. Enormous experimental material has been accumulated, which shows that large seeds yield a higher yield than small ones. Nevertheless, this issue has been debatable over the past century, because in many cases researchers receive data of the opposite nature.
The size, or fineness, of seeds is determined by linear measurement. The term "seed size" refers only to dimensional concepts, and should not be identified with the weight of the seeds, although these indicators are, of course, closely related. Large and small seeds are categories of size indicators, and heavy and light seeds are indicators of their weight ratios.
The most stable trait is the length of the seeds, while the width and thickness are more susceptible to variability under the influence of environmental conditions. At the same time, a high direct correlation was established between the width and thickness of the seeds: the wider the seed, the thicker it is.
Wet seeds are always larger than dry ones. In wet seeds, the size increases most in width, less in thickness and slightly in length of the seed. Thus, with an increase in humidity from 13.0% to 18.0%, wheat seeds Lutescens 62 increased in size: by 5.0% in length, 6.2% in thickness and 10.8% in width.
What you should pay attention to:
Your seeds will become bigger, thicker, heavier, while maintaining the genetic characteristics of your plant and variety.
Recommendations for application to indoor flowers, vegetables and other crops: (in progress, information will be posted soon for your access)
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