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Коллоидное серебро купить

Коллоидное серебро купить
Unique growth stimulator with bactericidal and fungicidal effects and for seed feminization
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Code: 32947857847837823391
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Colloidal silver

Purpose:natural antiseptic
Type of:organic
Applicationse: vegetation
strengthening and prolonging the action of chemical fungicides, disinfecting plants from fungi and parasites
Growing type:bioponics\aeroponics\hydroponics\soil\coconut substrate
Release form:liquid

We produce high quality colloidal silver with maximum dosage and sell wholesale and retail.

Product advantages:

The healing properties of silver have been known since the Middle Ages, when noble families ate food exclusively from silver dishes.

It was believed that it disinfects food and gives it medicinal properties. It is scientifically proven that silver is a strong antibiotic, but with the invention of medicines, many have forgotten about it.

Many pharmaceutical companies produced a preparation with silver in the form of a powder, but it did not have practicality and was ineffective.

Colloidal silver is a supplement that is not only practical (in the form of a solution), but also has a strong therapeutic effect.

The uniqueness of the drug:

  • active substance - colloidal silver, registered for the first time in the world for crop production;
  • a combination in one preparation of the properties of a growth stimulator, fungicide, bactericide;
  • synergism, which increases the immunity of plants, has an effective preventive effect of the drug on the spread of diseases.

Main advantageso - strengthening and prolongation of the action of chemical fungicides, which makes it possible to reduce the rate of their consumption to the lower limit without reducing efficiency.

How does the drug work?
The mechanism of plant growth stimulation and strengthening of phytoimmunity: based on the properties of active substances - colloidal silver and activating polymer additives, which provide the formation of non-specific, systemic, prolonged resistance to fungi and bacteria in plants, as well as stimulation of growth and biological processes, which positively affects the increase yield and quality.

Mechanism of antibacterial and fungicidal action: it consists in inhibition and destruction of pathogenic microflora by nano particles of colloidal silver - a natural antiseptic, which are amenable to slow oxidative dissolution in the immediate vicinity of bacteria and fungi and release silver ions for a long time, causing the death of pathogens by disrupting the penetration of the cell membrane and metabolism of microbial cells.

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Composition and properties:

We produce solutions of colloidal silver - high concentration for disinfection and feminization. The active substance is colloidal - 600 mg/l of colloidal silver.

Recommendations for application to indoor flowers, vegetables and other crops:

Vegetation processing:

  • cereals, corn, sunflower, legumes, rapeseed, sugar beets, potatoes - 0.1 l/ha.
  • grapes, apple-0.2 - 0.25 l/ha
  • drug consumption rate: seed treatment, 0.1 l/t

What you should pay attention to:

Colloidal silver - saves money twice!

Firstly, by reducing the rate of application of chemical fungicides to the lower limit recommended by the manufacturer, while maintaining the effectiveness of the maximum rate.

Secondly, by reducing the rate of fungicides in subsequent treatments, or refusing further treatments due to the prolongation of the action of fungicides and the normalization of the plant condition. Reducing the resistance of pathogens that are used in the tank mix together with Colloidal Silver. On the sunflower! With the timely and systematic use of Colloidal Silver, starting from the early stages of plant development, it is possible to avoid the use of expensive fungicides due to the preventive action, which prevents the occurrence and spread of diseases.


To disinfect plants from fungi and parasites, use colloidal silver by spraying or soaking.

For feminization, the use of colloidal silver is becoming more and more relevant; ideally, plant treatment is carried out immediately after the lamp is turned off, or at night, since silver is in contact with light.

Plant Growth Stimulation Mechanism

Colloidal silver increases the concentration of auxins in plant tissues by inhibiting enzymes that are responsible for the oxidation of auxins. Thanks to this, a powerful root system is formed, the growth and development of plants is enhanced.

Mechanism of antibacterial and fungicidal action.

This drug contains small particles of silver, which are able to attach and hold onto the cell walls of phytopathogenic microorganisms. Silver nanoparticles are oxidized and release silver ions over a long period, disrupting the normal functioning of membrane proteins, especially transport proteins, which leads to the death of the pathogen cell. The gradual oxidation of silver nanoparticles provides a prolonged effect of the drug. Colloidal silver has an eliciting effect inherent in immunizing fungicides, which, by influencing metabolism, helps to increase the concentration of reactive oxygen species in tissues. Reactive oxygen species are one of the main factors of nonspecific plant immunity - they reduce the likelihood of infection and inhibit the development of pathogens.

To apply, add the required amount of mg /l to 1 liter of water (to get a concentration of 100 mg /l in one liter, add one milliliter to 6 liters of water)

Application Features:

Do not use in tank mixtures with preparations containing: live microorganisms; sulfur in active form: colloidal sulfur, sulfuric lime decoction, TMTD, copper compounds (with the exception of chelate forms), copper sulfate, copper oxychloride, Bordeaux liquid, biopolymer-based adhesive adjuvants.

Storage conditions:

The drug is stored in its original packaging in dry, weather-protected warehouses at temperatures from +5 °C to +25 °C.

Solves problems:

Increases resistance to stress and disease. Due to fungicidal and bactericidal properties, the drug strengthens the immune system of plants and increases resistance to diseases (fusarium rot, septoria, powdery mildew, pyrenophorosis, snow mold, phomopsis).

Improves the quality of grown products. It increases the weight of 1000 seeds, the content of starch, dry matter, sugars in potatoes, the diameter of the basket and the yield of oil in sunflower, the sugar content of sugar beet, and reduces nitrates in vegetable products.

Has a stimulating effect. When seeds are treated with colloidal silver, it enhances the energy of germination, increases field germination, and ensures the formation of friendly seedlings. It activates the development of the root system and the aerial part of the plant. It is a natural antiseptic. Provides the formation of non-specific, systemic and long-term resistance to pathogenic microflora in plants. Gives a stable effect at low consumption rates.

Cannabis Growing Recommendations(in eligible countries) for the production of feminized cannabis seeds:

Testing the colloidal silver spray method is much more complex and time consuming. But this method works much more reliably and has a greater degree of success than simple rodelization.

Choose one female cannabis to spray and spray the solution daily after the plant begins to bloom. Continue spraying until you notice the formation of male pollen sacs. Usually the whole process takes from 10 to 14 days, but it can take more or less - it all depends on the plant variety. Once the pollen sacs have appeared, you can use the same pollen collection and fertilization method described at the beginning of this article.

It should be noted that colloidal silver in a high special concentration can be hazardous to health if it enters the human body in any way. Although the solution may be indicated for use in case of health problems, it is usually used in much lower concentrations. In fact, all parts of the plant that were sprayed with the solution should be disposed of. Some growers choose specific spots on the "body" of the plant to avoid killing the entire plant. But it can be unsafe if you don't pay close attention to where the solution goes. Suppose, if the solution, even in a small amount, got on the cones, then they are no longer suitable for consumption.

Any pollen that comes from an interaction between cannabis and colloidal silver is 100% safe to use. Any other part of the cannabis plant that comes into direct contact with the colloidal silver solution should be considered toxic. The upside to using colloidal silver is that it consistently produces high quality feminized seeds, so you get what you want - a predominantly female crop. You can produce seeds indefinitely and at the same time control the actual amount of cannabis seeds produced.

Other Methods

Although both of these options had positive results, they also showed significant disadvantages. There is no guarantee that rodelization will work, and colloidal silver takes a lot of time and money. Many growers who grow for themselves don't have the time or money and want something more specific. In such cases, female cloning may be the most economical and efficient method. As long as there is no need to use feminization techniques, cloning can ensure that you get beautiful ladies and ladylike bumps on a consistent and reliable basis.

Instead of relying on marijuana seeds (which are essentially combinations of genetics), cloning allows you to choose plants you particularly like and then recreate them exactly. This way you can continue with familiar high quality stuff without any uncertainties and high costs.

However, there are situations in which cannabis seed feminization makes sense. For example, if you want to hybridize the next generation of DNA, then the only way to do it is through selective fertilization. Let's say you wanted to create a mix of two varieties, then you need to combine the reproductive materials of these two varieties. Despite its effectiveness, cloning only allows you to recreate a particular variety over and over again. Of course, you can love this variety, but this love does not give you the opportunity to try something new from a huge range of varieties. In any case, it is clear that females are the first choice of growers, and knowing how to ensure consistent female reproduction is extremely important!

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Green Power
Добрый день Вам.Наше коллоидное серебро измеряется в соотношении 600 мг.на 1 литр.С ув.команда Green.power.
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Green Power
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Green Power
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Green Power
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