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Таблица кормления GHE огурец, помидор, баклажан, перец, базилик, салата-латук

Таблица кормления GHE огурец, помидор, баклажан, перец, базилик, салата-латук
Special vegetable feeding charts are designed to get the most out of your plants.
In stock
Code: 371
Price on request
Order by phone:+38(067)52-88-669

Feeding table GHE cucumber, tomato, eggplant, pepper, basil, lettuce

The specially designed Flora series GHE fertilizer charts are designed for the correct feeding of various vegetable crops. Since the need for trace elements is often manifested at the earliest stages of crop development, it will therefore be effective to use this table for cucumber, tomato, eggplant, pepper, basil, lettuce

. use the best - as you then have it, and what you eat will be with you forever.

Green Power
Таблица кормления GHE огурец, помидор, баклажан, перец, базилик, салата-латук reviews

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