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Купить Органический стимулятор для растений Bio Bloom

Купить Органический стимулятор для растений Bio Bloom
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Купить Органический стимулятор для растений Bio Bloom
Bio Bloom is intended for active flowering and fruiting stages, it saturates the soil with phosphorus and potassium, which stimulates the abundant growth of flowers and fruits. Bio Bloom includes a range of micronutrients and hormones, as well as a carefully selected blend of enzymes and amino acids. This adapted formulation is designed to strengthen your plants, enrich the soil and promote beneficial flowering and fruiting microorganisms.
In stock
Code: 3206
The number of bonuses that you will receive when buying this product
Order by phone:+38(067)52-88-669

Biostimulator Bloom - a powerful flowering activator,

having a unique formula

Type of:organic
Applicationse: pre-flowering, flowering
strengthens the immune system of plants
Growing type:bioponics\aeroponics\hydroponics\soil\coconut substrate
Release form:liquid

Product advantages:

Bio bloom is a 100% organic supplement made up of herbal fruit extracts, oils, amino acids and oligosaccharides that increase flowering and growth by 20%!

  • This bioadditive strengthens the immune system of plants, allowing them to be more resistant to diseases and climatic conditions.
  • Its application in the soil activates beneficial microorganisms that increase the supply of nutrients. Favorably affects the increase in deciduous mass, thereby improving photosynthesis.
  • Bio Bloom increases the plant's uptake of nutrients and calcium in particular, resulting in increased stem strength, leaf growth and high bud production.


  • Add to the nutrient solution, based on the proportion of only 2 ml per 10 liters (approximately 4 drops per liter). Use from 4 to 8 weeks.
  • In the form of a spray, it is applied to the foliage with the lights off (the plant perfectly perceives bioadditives through the foliage)
  • BioBloom must be stored in a cool place (for example, in a refrigerator on the door).

Composition and properties:

Recommendations for application to indoor flowers, vegetables and other crops: (under completion, information will be posted soon for your access)

Cannabis Growing Recommendations(in permitted countries):

What you should pay attention to:

Green Power
26.6 g
Купить Органический стимулятор для растений Bio Bloom reviews

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