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Мы предлагаем широкий ассортимент продукции: Pekacid Pekacid (Pekacid) . Прямые поставки от производителя, гарантии качества и доставка по всей Украине

Мы предлагаем широкий ассортимент продукции: Pekacid Pekacid (Pekacid) . Прямые поставки от производителя, гарантии качества и доставка по всей Украине
Мы предлагаем широкий ассортимент продукции: Pekacid Pekacid (Pekacid) . Прямые поставки от производителя, гарантии качества и доставка по всей Украине
Universal mineral water-soluble fertilizer for flowering, ideal for blueberries and all berries.
In stock
Code: 9207
Price on request
Order by phone:+38(067)52-88-669


This drug is used at the flowering stage.

Pekasid also proved to be excellent for growing berries. Pekasid for blueberries - a fertilizer that will help your plants! The unique combination of highly bioavailable phosphorus and chlorine-free, water-soluble potassium will create a solid foundation for the health, winter hardiness and high yield of blueberries in our conditions. The use of Pekacid for blueberries increases the sugar content in berries and their keeping quality

The unique feature of Pekasid is that it is the only phosphorus-containing fertilizer that can be mixed in one mother tank with calcium nitrate without the formation of sediment. The use of Pekasid makes it possible to replace other sources of phosphorus, such as phosphoric acid or water-soluble monoammonium phosphate, with great efficiency.

- Maintains optimal soil and water pH levels.

- Increases the availability of nutrients, especially trace elements, as well as phosphorus and magnesium.

- Enhances the absorption and mobility of nutrients in the root system.

- Reduces loss of nitrogen through evaporation. - Increases water filtration in the soil.

Green Power
Мы предлагаем широкий ассортимент продукции: Pekacid Pekacid (Pekacid) . Прямые поставки от производителя, гарантии качества и доставка по всей Украине reviews

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For calls from Ukraine
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