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Мы предлагаем широкий ассортимент продукции: Potassium monophosphate . Прямые поставки от производителя, гарантии качества и доставка по всей Украине

Мы предлагаем широкий ассортимент продукции: Potassium monophosphate . Прямые поставки от производителя, гарантии качества и доставка по всей Украине
Мы предлагаем широкий ассортимент продукции: Potassium monophosphate . Прямые поставки от производителя, гарантии качества и доставка по всей Украине
Potassium monophosphate is a complex fertilizer based on a combination of potassium and phosphorus. Promotes the ripening of shoots, helps to overwinter shrubs and trees, increasing their frost resistance, improves the growth and development of the root system.
In stock
Code: 9204
Price on request
Order by phone:+38(067)52-88-669


Potassium monophosphate is one of the most concentrated phosphate fertilizers. Its effectiveness is achieved due to the high absorption of chemical pure nutrients by plants. Fertilizing with potassium monophosphate increases the yield and improves the quality of fruits and vegetables due to the better accumulation of sugars and vitamins, increases their keeping quality and sugar content. When using potassium monophosphate in ornamental crop production, the onset and flowering of flowering plants is accelerated and its use contributes to better ripening of shoots and overwintering of ornamental trees and shrubs.

Fertilizer composition:
Phosphorus (P2O5) - 52%;
Potassium (K2O) - 34%.

Green Power
Мы предлагаем широкий ассортимент продукции: Potassium monophosphate . Прямые поставки от производителя, гарантии качества и доставка по всей Украине reviews

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