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Купить Бутановый экстрактор у производителя

Купить Бутановый экстрактор у производителя

Butane oil extractor (amber or honey oil) is designed to extract various valuable vegetable oil
by passing liquefied gas (butane) through the raw material in the extractor.

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Code: 27
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Order by phone:+38(067)52-88-669

We also manufacture othersYou can see the types of gas extractors here

butane extractor

We manufacture Extractor from high qualityfood, completelytransparentplastic- this material is wear-resistant, withstands high pressure, resistant to physical factors (for example, high temperature, exposure to acids), which prevents the presence of impurities in the finished product. Threaded connections are tight and their number is reduced to a minimum.

The outlets are equipped with a fine stainless steel filter mesh. For additional filtering, you can use
filter paper, cotton cosmetic pad (cut to the size of the pipe), etc.
Extractor length: 200 mm, diameter: 40 mm. (holds approximately 230 -250 ml of raw materials).

Experiments have shown that the use of a check valve is bad because in order to push it through, you need residual pressure in the cylinder, which is not good. A lot of gas is thrown out - your free finger serves as a check valve, and it plugs the inlet after the gas cylinder is empty.
The outlets are equipped with a fine stainless steel filter mesh.

Before working with a butane extractor, it is possible to go through all stages of extraction with raw materials. Butane oil extractor (amber or honey oil) is designed to extract various valuable vegetable oil by passing liquefied gas (butane) through the raw material in the extractor.

Precautions: It is recommended to strictly observe all possible precautions and use goggles and gloves. Never smoke or light an open flame while extracting. Avoid static discharges
how even a small spark can cause trouble. Perform extraction in a well-ventilated area. Care advice: after use, wash all parts with dishwashing detergent and dry with a dry cotton cloth.
The metal mesh can be washed with alcohol or vodka.
Complete set: extractor, metal filter.

Amber, honey oil - a concentrated organic product - a dark viscous liquid with a high (up to 60%) content of THC. Made by extraction

Raw material/Recommended amount of Butane/Finished product weight :
28gr. Very good tops of plants, inflorescences /340gr./3-5gr.
28gr. Medium good tops of plants, inflorescences/280gr./2-4gr.
28gr. small inflorescences/255oz/2-3gr.
28gr. crowns/340gr./3-5gr.
28gr. top leaves/280gr./2-4gr. 28gr. large leaves /255g /1-2g.

We also manufacture othersYou can see the types of gas extractors here

Green Power
the manufacturer's website
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Добрий день Вам) В комплекті йде 3 сітки на 75,100 та 150 мікрон.З повагою,команда Green.power.
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