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Мы предлагаем широкий ассортимент продукции: Ammonium nitrate . Прямые поставки от производителя, гарантии качества и доставка по всей Украине

Мы предлагаем широкий ассортимент продукции: Ammonium nitrate . Прямые поставки от производителя, гарантии качества и доставка по всей Украине
Мы предлагаем широкий ассортимент продукции: Ammonium nitrate . Прямые поставки от производителя, гарантии качества и доставка по всей Украине
Thanks to this fertilizer, the plant develops strong. Flowering lasts longer, while the yield increases several times.
In stock
Code: 922292239224
Price on request
Order by phone:+38(067)52-88-669

Ammonium nitrate

The main feature of this fertilizer is the rapid effect of active substances on the plant. This fertilizer is not affected by low temperatures. They are active both in summer and autumn. You can start to feed the earth and saturate with nitrogen in early spring. When the last snow is still on the surface of the soil. It is also believed that the main property of this fertilizer is to strengthen the immunity of the plant. Therefore, it is less susceptible to diseases and has a beautiful appearance and good fertility. Worth using on the ground. In which the rules of planting are not respected and the same plants are grown from year to year. Ammonium nitrate helps prevent the development of fungus, bacteria and rot, which actively develops in the soil or in the ground on which one crop is constantly planted.

Green Power
Мы предлагаем широкий ассортимент продукции: Ammonium nitrate . Прямые поставки от производителя, гарантии качества и доставка по всей Украине reviews

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